less than 1 minute read

I have just updated the project RESTAssuredFromScratch. Similarly as the Selenium project, it went through a big upgrade process,
making all it’s libraries up-to-date.

As intended, there are two types of tests possible, one with common RequestSpecification, the other allows per-method specifications.
The main goal I wanted to achieve for both projects, Selenium and REST-Assured was to enable the tester to write the clean and readable code.
In case the API-testing framework, it’s possible to write as clean tests as that:

If only you wish to have such test framework created within your organization, please contact me via phone: (+48)601647586,
or email: adam.saj@wp.pl.
In case you would like to review the whole project, please let me know as well, with your GitHub username.
Then I will share the repo with you for your review.

As usual, any comments, feedback, thumbs-up’s, criticism are greatly welcomed.

Stay tuned, I’m still developing the project, adding to it more and more features.

