Finished the first version of Postman collection
I have just finished the Postman collection with automated tests of my webservice app. It consists of requests which are performing CRUD operations, however they are automated, with variables, pre-request scripts and of course with test scripts.
The workflow I’m using there is quite simple:
- Authenticate
- Create
- Get a list of consultants
- Get a single consultant
- Update the consultant
- Remove the consultant
Due to the fact, that I created the collection for presentation purposes, I’m using there a bunch of Postman’s features. First of all I created an environment. For now there is only the Localhost one, but I’m going to extend it by a cloud-hosted one. I’m using environment variables to automatically store Authorization token, as well as baseUrl. There are pre-requests scripts and test scripts as well. Apart from that, I’m using pm.setNextRequest()
construct, asynchronous requests via pm API, Lodash functions and more.
All this allowed me to produce a pretty nice Collection. You can see and review it in the following Repo: Postman Collection.
Next steps would be just to deploy the app on a cloud platform, maybe the AWS, and then create another Postman’s environment. That way I would show other skills, like familiarity with AWS, ability to deploy apps, manage the app on AWS cloud, using Terraform etc.
To be honest, by completing the Postman collection I have opened an ocean of possibilities. Please stay tuned, because there will be a lot more stuff waiting for publication and for your review.